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William Annin Middle School Athletic Organization

WAMS Athletic Organization

WAMSAO Letter to Parents


All questions related to Physicals should go to [email protected]

All FORMS must be submitted electronically through Genesis.  Please make sure the forms are complete--every question must have some answer and each YES answer must be explained. The physician must sign and then stamp the form or it will be rejected.

For more information on what form to complete or what is needed see our FAQs tab.

Registering & Athletic Forms: Please read carefully.

What forms do I need to submit when I register my child for an athletic program?

If this is the first time you are registering/submitting a form:

1.  Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form is mandated.

a.       The date of exam must be within 365 days of the first practice/tryout date.

b.       If the date of the exam is less than 365 days from the first practice but more than 90 days then you also need to submit a Health History Update Form.

2. Register online for the team/clinic you want to join at


If you have previously submitted an Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form:

1. If the date of the exam on that form will be within 365 days of the first practice/tryout then you only need to submit a
    Health History Update Form.

2. If the date of the exam on that form will be more than 365 days on the first day of practice/tryouts then you need to submit a new
    Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form based on a more recent exam.

3. If the date of the exam is more than 90 days on the first day of practice/tryouts then you also need to submit a  Health History Update Form.

4. Register online for the team/clinic you want to join at

All Forms must be submitted electronically through Genesis.

Vision Exam:

The State of New Jersey requires that a vision exam and vision exam results be documented on the Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form. Please make sure your physician completes a vision exam and documents the results on the form. If your child sees an eye doctor/eye professional instead and has an exam elsewhere, that eye examiner must document the vision exam results on office stationary and you should attach it to the Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Form.  You may use the Vision Exam Results Form here if you need to attach results from an eye specialist. 

Athletic Pre-participation Physical Form

 This form includes a History Form to be completed by the parent or guardian; a Supplemental History Form for Students with Special Needs; a Physical Examination Form; and a Clearance Form to be completed by the examining physician, advanced practice nurse (APN) or physician assistant (PA).  The form must be completed and based on an exam that took place with 365 days of the FIRST practice/tryout date.   No forms will be accepted after the posted deadline.
The form is available here : Athletic Pre-participation Physical Form

Health History Update Questionnaire
The parent or guardian of each student-athlete must complete and sign a Health History Update Questionnaire if the preparticipation physical examination was conducted 90 or more days prior to the first practice session of the athletic season. The questionnaire must be completed and signed by the student’s parent or guardian and submitted. The Health History Update Questionnaire may be found at:Health History Update Form    No forms will be accepted after the posted deadline.

Vision Exam Results
NJ requires that a vision exam be done and documented on the athletic physical form. If the examining physician does a vision exam and documents the reulst on teh Physical Exam page of the Athletic Preparticipation Physical than you do not need anything else.
If your child has a vision exam by someone other than your pediatrician that completed the Athletic Physical Form you can use the form here to have vision exam results documented and then attach it to your submission. Vision Exam Results Form 

Opioid Use/Misuse Fact Sheet
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.10, public school districts, approved private schools for students with disabilities, and nonpublic schools participating in an interscholastic sports program must distribute the Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet to all student-athletes and cheerleaders. In addition, schools and districts must obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the fact sheet from each student-athlete and cheerleader, and for students under age 18, the parent or guardian must also sign. Click Here to Read the Opioid Fact Sheet.

Sudden Cardiac Death In Young Athletes Pamphlet
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41(d), school districts must provide the Sudden Cardiac Death In Young Athletes pamphlet to each student-athlete and to the parents or guardians of the student-athletes, as part of the student’s preparticipation physical examination and completion of the athletic permission forms. A student-athlete and the parent or guardian of the student-athlete shall certify that they received and reviewed the pamphlet.  Please go to this link to access and read the pamphlet: 
The pamphlet can be found here. 

Sports Related Eye Injury Pamphlet
Participating in sports and recreational activities is an important part of a healthy, physically active lifestyle for
children. Unfortunately, injuries can, and do, occur. Children are at particular risk for sustaining a sports-related
eye injury and most of these injuries can be prevented. The State of NJ mandates that parents read and acknowledge the material in this pamphlet here.

WAMSAO Code of Conduct

Concussion Fact Sheet

Walkers Permission Form    Please complete and submit to Coach at first practice if your child is a walker.

Financial Assistance Form

WAMSAO Board Nomination Form

Third Party Transportation Permission Form    Please complete and submit to Coach if applicable.


 Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Form

Contact Us

William Annin Middle School Athletic Organization

70 Quincy Road 
Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 908-204-2610
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